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Senior Education Officer

Name: Mrs. Aldia Gumbs-Dyer


Post and Department: Senior Education Officer (Curriculum Development Unit)


Academic Qualifications:

M.A Education Leadership and Management - University of the West Indies (UWI)

B.A History and Literatures of English - University of the West Indies (UWI

Cert. of Teacher Education - University of the West Indies (UWI)

Number of years in Education: Over 30 years


Schools Taught: Girls’ High School, Troumaca Ontario Secondary School, Buccament Bay Secondary School (Principal)


Contact Information:


Career Guidance

Name: Mr. Chesley Ferdinand

Post: Education Officer (Career Guidance and Counseling)

Academic Qualifications:

M.A. Ministries - European Theological Seminary

B.A. Guidance and Counseling - Jamaica Theological Seminary

B. A. Theology - Bethel Bible College - Jamaica

Cert. in Teacher Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Number of years in Education: Over 30 years


Schools Taught: Petit Bordel Secondary School, Overland Government School, Brighton Methodist School, Kingstown Preparatory School, St. Clair Dacon Secondary School – Guidance Counsellor


Contact information:


Foreign Languages

Health & Family Life Education (HFLE)

Name: Mrs. Heather Richards - Mc Calmon


Post: Education Officer (Health & Family Life Education)


Academic Qualifications:

M. Sc in Counselling Psychology - University of the West Indies (UWI)

B. Ed in Education Administration - University of the West Indies (UWI)

Cert. in Education Management & Supervision - University of the West Indies (UWI)

Cert. in Teacher Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill


Number of years in Education: Over 30 years

Schools Taught: Questelles Government School, C. W. Prescod Primary, St. Vincent Grammar School

Contact Information:




ICT Integration

Name: Ms. Semonique Harry, MSc. B.Ed


Post: ICT Integration Officer


Number of years in Education: Over 15 years


Schools Taught: Intermediate High School, Questelles Government School,

St. Mary's RC, Dr. J. P Eustace Memorial Secondary School


Contact information:



Language, Literacy and Communication

Name: Mrs. Elizabeth Austin


Post: Education Officer (Language, Literacy and Communication)


Academic Qualifications: 

B.Ed Literacy Studies – University of the West Indies (UWI)


Number of years in Education: Over 30 years


Schools Taught: St. Mary’s Roman Catholic, Gomea Methodist School


Contact Information:


Name: Mrs. Susanne Lewis


Post: Education Officer (Language, Literacy and Communication)


Academic Qualifications: 

M.Ed Literacy - Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax)

B.A Leadership and Management in Primary Schools - University of West England (Bristol)

Cert. in Teachers Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Cert. in Literacy - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Number of years in Education: Over 27 years


Schools Taught: Lowmans Leeward Anglican, Buccament Government School, Buccament Bay Secondary School


Contact Information:



Name: Mrs. Nichole Franklyn


Post: Education Officer (Mathematics)


Academic Qualifications:

B.Ed Teaching of Mathematics - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Cert. in Learning Support - University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona

Cert. in Teachers Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill


Number of years in Education: Over 25 years


Schools Taught: Sion Hill Government School, Evesham Methodist School Georgetown Government School, Lowmans Leeward Anglican School

Contact information:



Name: Mr. Dexter Bacchus


Post: Education Officer (Music)


Academic Qualifications:

B. Ed Music Education - Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, Jamaica

Cert. Jazz & Caribbean Music - Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts

Cert. in Primary Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill


Number of years in Education: Over 20 years

Schools Taught: Richmond Hill Government School, Kingstown Preparatory School, Kingstown Anglican School, Girls' High School, Thomas Saunders Secondary School, Georgetown Secondary School, West St. George Secondary School, Dr. J. P. Eustace Memorial Secondary School, St. Vincent Grammar School.


Contact Information:




Name: Mr. Darron Andrew


Post: Education Officer (Music)


Academic Qualifications:

Number of years in Education: 

Schools Taught:


Contact Information:


Physical Education and Sport

Name: Ms. Rosmund Griffith


Post: Education Officer (Physical Education)


Academic Qualifications:

Cert. in Teacher Education, University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Olympic Training College – United States of America

G. C Foster College of Physical Education and Sport – Jamaica

University of Delaware - United States of America


Number of years in Education: Over 15 years


Schools Taught: Tourama Primary School, Sandy Bay Secondary School, George Stephens Sr. Secondary School


Contact information:


Name: Mr. Jomadean May


Post: Education Officer (Sport)

Academic Qualifications: 

Masters in Sport Management, Bond University - Australia

Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Sports, International School of Physical Education and Sports - Havana (Cuba)

Diploma in Spanish, University of Ciego - Cuba

Cert. 54th IOC session for young Participant - Greece

Schools Taught: Community College, St. Clair Dacon Secondary.

Number of years in Education: Over 10 years


Contact information:





Name: Mr. Kenran E. D. Daniel


Post: Assistant Sport Officer


Duties: Assist in organizing school sporting activities, marking of sporting fields and hard-courts, providing assistance to Physical Education and Sport teachers in primary and secondary schools.


Number of years in Education: Over 5 years


Contact information:





Social Sciences

Name: Mr. Andrew F. Bramble


Post: Senior Graduate Teacher assigned


Academic Qualifications:

Post Graduate Diploma in School Management and Supervision - Utech Jamaica

B. Ed in Social Studies and Geography - Mona Campus Jamaica (UWI)

Cert. in Teachers Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill


Number of years in Education: Over 30 years


Schools Taught:

Clare Valley Government School, Richmond Hill Government School

St. Vincent Grammar School, Bishop’s College Kingstown, Emmanuel High School Kingstown, Girl’s High School, West St. George Secondary (Deputy Principal), Lecturer at the St. Vincent Teachers College


Contact Information:




Special Needs Education

Name: Mrs. Netta M. Thomas


Post: Education Officer (Special Needs)


Academic Qualifications:

B.A Special Needs & Inclusive Education – University of East London

Cert. in Learning Support – University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona

Cert. in Primary Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Number of years in Education: Over 15 years


Schools Taught: Mary Hutchinson Primary School, Evesham Methodist School, Brighton Methodist School, Calliaqua Anglican School, Fairhall Primary School and Kingstown Preparatory School


Contact Information:


Name: Mrs. Arifa Ryan-Charles


Post: Education Officer (Special Needs)


Academic Qualifications:

M. Ed - Special Education - University of Alberta (Canada)

B. Ed - Special Education - University of the West Indies (Mona)

Dip. Ed - Special Education - MICO University College (Jamaica)

Cert. in Primary Education - University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill

Number of years in Education: Over 30 years


Schools Taught: Sandy Bay Anglican School, Georgetown Government School, School for Children with Special Needs, Georgetown


Contact Information:

E-mail: .com

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